Monday, July 30, 2007

My Very First Post

It is a rainy Tuesday evening here on Brayton Mountain in Tennessee. My family and I live in Bledsoe County , about 35 miles from Chattanooga. Our family consists of 3 boys, Jacob 10, Ben 9 and John 4. My husband Robert is 43 and I am 33. We have been married for 11 1/2 years. My husband would like to be a Pro Bass Fisherman and has been pursuing his goal for several years now. I homeschool our 3 boys and we attend Grace Bible Church in Hixson , Tn. For more information on our church you can go to . There was a time in my life when I didn't trust that Jesus Christ had totally and completely paid for all my sin at Calvary. I was tossed about with thoughts of not being good enough, having sinned too much, having waited too long for him to help me now. I wavered in trusting that there even was a God that cared. Most of all my worries about my salvation and my God came from never having heard that my salvation was not about me and what I did or do. It is about our Lord Jesus and who He was and what He did on our behalf. I didn't understand that trusting in the finished work of Christ was a FREE gift and all I had to do to be sealed and saved, to be righteous , to be at peace with our Heavenly Father was to TRUST in his Son. It wasn't about me. :0) Praise the LORD!! Brother Steve Atwood of Grace Bible Church in Hixson , TN gave some astonishing sermons that I had never heard before, and I had been in churches for a good deal of my life! I thank God for my wonderful friend Stephanie who befriended an unlovable stranger and poured out her understanding and Bible knowledge. I don't know if I could have understood God's unconditional love for me if she had not shown it to me in the form of her person and character. She personified God's love for me. And so did her mother and sister-in-law Kim. Not only did I gain a knowledge of the Lord, of my salvation, of what Christ wants from me as a believer, but I also learned how to be a wife, a mother and a friend. I learned what to do with my disappointments and sorrows, my anger and self-pity. So now you know the beginning of a new me that took place May 1998, me eight months pregnant with my second child, standing in my kitchen. That is where and when I trusted in Christ and that God's word is true and can be trusted as firm foundation for my life. At that moment it meant that everything else that I had been taught from all the people in my life that I loved, they were all wrong. That was a difficult hoop to jump through. It made me sad to know the people I had learned to respect and admire were contrary to the word of God. At the same moment , it was wonderful to realize that God would never let me down or forsake me. He is unwavering , constant , eternal , immortal , the only wise God. I am thankful to know him.

That is all for now,


Anonymous said...

That is an awesome testimony. :-) My name is Candy. My blog is at if you'd like to drop by and say "hi."

My husband and I are 16 years apart - he the older. I have four children whom I homeschool. Three boys and a girl. My boys are 7, 4 (also named John), and 3. My baby girl is almost 1yr old. Speaking of baby, she is telling me "num num" so I'd better get her dinner. :-)

Hannah said...

HI Mrs Beth!! Check out my blog!!